Wednesday, January 11, 2006

To all my love gods and goddesses,

Submit now, and submit often at gutnotes. I did.*
I know you have shoeboxes full of lovenotes to share.
So speaking of shoes, Just do it.

Sincerely, me

*Damn. He really was funny.

Ooo, and speaking of cool epistles:

AW! Thank you.

Special message for brian: I got your package.*

*I'd have thanked you sooner,
but I've been too busy listening to very, very cool tunes now.
Expect a return package like soon. No Elvis, no Elvis, no Elvis.


Brian McCloskey said...

You're *very* welcome!

One of these days, if I ever settle on a tracklisting with which I am fully satisfied, you'll get the follow-up....

me said...

oooyarshhh, please doooooooo, iz *very* gooooooood...

Brian McCloskey said...

I'll take that as a yes.

me said...

That was Esperanto for "yes," yes.