Sure hope that tinymixtapes doesn't mind me swiping their photo above and linking to them, but "Thank You, KittySpunk" for sending me this link. If anyone needs me, I'll be here at the Automatic Mix Tape Generator until my eyes dry out.

And thank you Michael for the hand-crafted pencil holder. It looks great on my desk. Now all I need is a chunky sidekick coffee mug with a big mouth that looks bad from every angle.

Awww, thanks again, Michael. My very own chunky sidekick mug complete with battery-operated shoulder-shaped beverage warmer underneath. I bet there's nothing that hotplate can't burn. She's not too bad looking. With her mouth closed. Aw, you shouldn't have. Well, I take back what I said about your mom earlier. I do. No, really.
Hmmm. I sure could use a coaster. Or a PDA cozy. Got any Ashton Kutcher merchandise for me? That crazy boy just seems to be popping up everywhere these days. And it's really starting to work my last nerve. Almost as much as "Where's Waldo". Almost.
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