Last.fm kicks Pandora in the box.
Not like they are competing, but ya know,
I had to at least try thinking of something catchy to say.
It's all those years of ad copywriting.
Blame that. It'll fuck your entire life up forever like that.
Your writing will always have a slice of cheese on it from then on.
You can never pass a product without assigning a catchphrase to it...
Kids: If you have a soul, let this be a grave warning to you all.
Anyway, Pandora is a nice music finder, but try Last.fm.
I like it based on interface alone.
Already it knows the innermost musical desires like no one else...
"It's the Last.fm you'll ever need."*
*Good lord. See, what I mean?
i am TOTALLY ADDICTED to Last.fm--thank you very much! :)
honestly - meeeeeee, too! addicted!
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