Bye, Michael Stoolhead!
Since you are the diligent reader through all the worms and products reviews thick and thin, I dedicate this picture of Nut-sak (alias Admiral T. Bagger) to you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I like to take this picture out every now and then and thank God I'm not an insufferable jackass too cheap to hire a model or a photographer to take a picture for a client.
"Or (laying his finger coyly against the bridge of his nose and winking), to have thought of taking the picture to send to the client in the first place." What a sly ole dog. "When you've been in the ad business as long as some people, you'll be a Master Brainstormer such as I, my friend," he booms as if you were really listening or really his friend.
The beard makes him tolerable. Let us gauge our success at the site of this Mightiest of Pocket-Poolers. Let us behold what a career in advertising can do for the mighty and the few. Learn well, my son. Learn well of who not to be*.
*Jibberish. As if you didn't know already.
Aloha until Monday.
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