So I just finished this book by Laurie Notaro. Hey NYC Katherine, if you're reading this: Order now, operators are standing by, you'll love it.
Her humor and tone kinda reminds me of a New York version of the "Sweet Potato Queen" writings by Jill Connor Browne. I used to work with Browne's ex-husband at an ad agency in Mississippi. Well, I worked, he schmoozed. Jill on the other hand seems to be an extremely interesting individual who just fills the room with her presence. She'd probably say it was her buxom Sweet Potato Queen bustline and fireball wig that did it. She'd probably be right. Carry on, Southern sister-in-spuds, with your sweet success.
Then there's my acquired taste: Before I read the Notaro book, I eagerly and unwittingly suggested "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn to the girl who lent me her copy of Notaro. Boy. I guess now she knows I'm one weird science project. My recommendation compared to hers is well... colorful, freakish, staining, and way off-kilter. Needless to say, this is one of my favorite books. I also have "Truck", I think it was written before "Geek Love". So why have I not read that selection yet? Well, because I saw "Big Fish".
Anyone who writes a book that Tim Burton wants to transform into a luxurious dreamfilm must be a newly-discovered creative behemoth with a 750-carat gem-encrusted soul. Outstanding. So instead of reading his "Big Fish", I'm reading another Daniel Wallace book, of which I hope there are many, many more to come.
I ordered it from an online book dealer at Half.com. When it arrived, I was so irritated, I almost hummed it across the living room -- it was a paperback. A freakin' paperback.**
"Dang paperbacks! They're too hard to read in the bathtub with my neato new booklight, oh how typical" for me to complain as I saw this book wasn't intended for resale at all, as it was an editor's proof edition with good ole typos and everything. Ah yes. Even harder to read in the bathtub for fear of smudging the value this copy might have. So far, it's as captivating as the movie was. I'll let you know more.
So my absolute favorite author is of course David Sedaris. "Me Talk Pretty One Day" is so far my favorite one. When I saw him on his book tour a few months back, I was overwhelmed at his absence of ego. In his books, since he's so wickedly sarcastic, so you'd expect him to be some Huge Super-Inflated Bastardo. But he was not. He was exactly the opposite, exactly who I'd hoped he was. He's just good writer. Very good. And apparently nice.
And so months later, here I am buying his recommended reading: "Birds of America" by Lorrie Moore. He says her writing is one joke after the other. I can't imagine anyone being better than David Sedaris. So I'm waiting for this book to come in. And hoping I don't drop my golden copy of "The Watermelon King" my Mr. Bubbles tonight.
I'll let you know how it goes.
*Yes, I ganked these images from the big online bookmerchants. But I ganked one from each to be fair and cross-promote. For free. So don't sue me. And the last link, if it wouldn't work for you, is the catch-of-the-day, cheapestbookprice.com
**No paperbacks were harmed during the making of this entry.
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