Another reason to love Memphis. On the way out the door, someone may call and ask if you wanna be a zombie in a video for The Subteens. Yes, please.
Don't I look like Marilyn Manson's first dabblings in high school? And good news, now I know what Ron will look like after an actual run-in with a circular saw. He looks like Michael J. Fox. Ron has a bit more street-cred and krunky goodness than Teenwolf though. Man, I need to post the picture of the guy named Lil Brad. He turned out looking like Wayne Gacy.
Surely, the scariest part of the video will be my acting, as I had to stagger across the frame, chewing on a foam-rubber foot covered in Hershey's syrup. If I've learned nothing else, I've learned at least one thing along the way: When the guys running the camera laugh during your shot, your performance was either really, really good or really, really bad. There is no in-between.
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