Anyone want to be in the movies? Voice talent cattle call; see below…
> -----Original Message-----
Dear Tommy
I'm coming down to Memphis on Monday, August 16 to do some dialogue recording for Forty Shades of Blue and I need to put together a group of Memphians to help out with the sounds for all our group scenes. We need about 20 people of various ages, races, etc., (teenager and up), for Monday and Tuesday, August 16 & 17. The sessions will run around 3 hours each, at Ardent Studios, and could be different people each day, or same. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping us out, send word, phone #, or e-mail. It won¹t be a paid gig, but should actually be kind of fun.
Hope this finds you well. We're nearing the finish line up here!
with warm regards,
Aw, thanks, Ira!
And URGENT, URGENT this one is for tomorrow
-----Original Message-----
Subject: FW: Help with movie
"In addition to this extra call, A local indie movie will be shooting a scene for 'Automusik Can Do No Wrong' this Saturday @ 7:30 at the Powerhouse near South Main around the corner from Ernestine's &Hazel's.*
"Automusik is a local art-rock act, and this is a scene in which they are playing a gig on their fictional native soil.
"Come dressed in your best 80's New Wave duds.
"Drink Free Beer and have snacks as you help us make a very funny "mock-u-mentary" of Automusik and their rival Band competing in a battle of the bands to save the Rec Center.
"Confirmation of attendance is requested, but not required. Email back if you can come. Or call 901-277-8697 for better instructions.
"There is no better chance for you to use that skinny, piano key tie, or do your hair in a Mod Mohawk than this movie shoot.
"Help support locally made movies, show up and possibly become almost nearly famous."
Why do I tell you these things? Because I want you to be famous and let me ride in your limo with Pink Champale flowin'.
*"Ernestine's and Hazel's" is an old, semi-haunted brothel turned local hangout with a jukebox and soulburgers. If that can't persuade you to come on out, well you might just be made of wood.
I'm off to Chattanooga with Ron and the humongous super dog named Otis. Please have a good weekend, and here's a Nice Piece of Flash for you. Enjoy!

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