Cork Chair Contest.
Because I'd like to point out here that I am much cooler than Michael, who now apparently reads my blog and thrills at pointing out the sad fact that don't update it more frequently than I have as of late, here is a brand new, supercool link to a brand new, supercool cork chair contest supplied by my brand new, supercool friends at work. And for those keeping up with it all, this is not where Michael works. Therefore, he can't possibly be as brand new, supercool as me.
I kid. I kid because Michael is a swell guy. And because he pays me to say things like that.
As usual, Ron came up with a good idea.
This is the first year I have ever had to split holiday visits between in-laws. I've always heard it was difficult, but had I experienced this before, we'd have handled it better in the pre-nup agreement.
Oh damn, I forgot to get a pre-nup. I'll look into a post-nup.*
Ron saves the day though. At least he gives it a go. After this year, instead of opting to just scrap the whole "Family Get-Togethers for Holidays" conundrum entirely, he suggested a"Festive Olympic-Style Celebration" applied to Christmas.
"Basically, a committee votes on one place to meet every four years, and we're done with it until the next Xmas Olympics. Say in 2004, it's Aunt Franny's house in Idaho. Great, we all meet there, fa la la, and then don't have to worry about the next location until 2008."
In spite if it all, we have a good time dreaming.
*Gag. I don't like the word "nup", do you?
Michael is right. He does bear a striking resemblance to Steve Urkel sometimes, and I really do need to update here more often.
Speaking of that, does anyone know the key command for making screenshots on a PC versus a Mac? I don't want the whole damn screen. I just want to crop into a picture and take that screenshot, for the love of it all that is simple. I don't mind being bi-technical, but I really miss my Mac sometimes. But at least now I can open just about any file with just about any extension with just about no problem.
Maybe I should think of something interesting to say before I enter it here, huh?
Thanks a lot, Michael.
For anyone who enjoys starving puppies...
...then go somewhere else and throw yourself in front of a speeding bus after sliding down razor blades into a tubful of gin and salt.
But for those who want to feed some babies, click here. Sent in by h2odogmom. Thanks, Pearl Ole Girl! I love ya and miss ya, darlin!
My rare and touching moment of gooey holiday sentiment.
Since only God knows when I'll get to come back in an orderly fashion and post like I want to, and quite frankly since God shouldn't really care and is way too busy planning a birthday shindig for his kid anyway, please remember to enjoy the season. Do something nice for every person that you can, unless of course that person is a total tea-bagger. Don't get me started. And remember to do something nice for yourself that doesn't necessarily take a credit card to get the job done.
And may (insert your own deity here) bless us every one.
Awww. Every one of us except, of course, Michael.
PS: Tina Weezy if you are reading this, HaPpY BiRtHdAy tO YoU!!! Two days late now, and please send this feeble-minded girl your new address again. I freaking lost it like a mo-fo.
PPS: And Chip, maybe you are right about the Windex with Vinegar for smoky winders, but in my case, at least I found a good use for the bottle with a homebrewed mixture of Bleach-2-o. And, Jason Williams says Hey Backatchu and Peanut.