Hopefully, something like this is going to be my next AntiScribbly Device of choice.
The one I have now is okay. It's a Memorex little jobby. It's not as hi-tech or impressive as this one, but it works well. An AntiScribbly Device is used to screen out the unwanted comments that sound a lot like "Scribbly, scribble... sckyawm-me, sckyaw. Hey!...Hey!... Hey!" that one gets while walking downtown. Works great for both parties involved as most of the time, I seriously have no dollar on me, just the time of day which is obviously free. When you refuse two dimes and a nickel over having one solid quarter instead, you're just spoiled at that point.
Great thing about the AntiScribbly Device is that you don't even need to have the audio on, it still works with just the earplugs in. It's the best of both worlds as you can hear the traffic safely, and the crazy-swearing as you walk past is muffled to almost inaudible levels. If you've ever walked around downtown Memphis, you know how nice an AntiScribbly Device is to have.
Which reminds me, I have to walk home now. Have a great, long weekend.
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