I just got some new contacts, and they feel great. Soft. Much better than the hard plastic, gas permeable poker chips I've been wearing for the past 8 years. What a joke compared to these. Only drawback so far is that I can't actually see with these contacts, but that's the kind of perspective you'll get on comfort vs. functionality after wearing gas perms.
I hope I get used to these contacts. It's true, 95% of the day has been markedly blurry. Every now and then, the world will sharpen up into perfect focus, and I look at everything all wide-eyed and optimistic. For about five minutes. And then it blurs away. Which is actually been very similar to my life experience in general. So hey, as long as they don't hurt, I'm cool and oddly comforted.
But since I have worn this kind of soft contact once before the poker chips, I am now remembering things about them that I hated. Like when you break up with someone and then decide to go out with them again. "Ohhhhhyyyeahhhhh....now I remember why we broke up... you clip your toenails on the coffee table.... in between bong hits.... unemployed..... you stinky freak.... yeahhhh." So maybe I'll be going back to the old gas perms. I hate 'em, but it's a different kind of hate. One that's squinty, hurty, but a lot more clear in hindsight.
Anyway, let's talk about products. Like Diet Cherry Coke.
In my opinion, being a connoisseur of sodies, the only thing I can say is that it doesn't suck. It's OK. Taste-wise, it's right in there with Diet Coke with Lemon. Nothing much to blog home about. Now Diet Vanilla Coke really isn't good in the slightest to me. It tastes like it's trying too hard, like some piece of cheapie candy melted in the bottom of it.
I'm always looking for new favorites. But I tell ya, it ain't in the Diet Coke Lineup.
Mountain Dew has been experimenting with variations lately, but the only difference I can tell so far in any of their variations is in color and not flavor. Which is fine with me since I like Mt. Dew and Diet Mt. Dew. So while a red-colored Diet Mt. Dew may not vary in taste, I'm still okay with it because red's my favorite color. However, they need to either stop trying or perform better.
The best new mainstream soda I've had lately is Sprite ReMix. I'd show you a picture, but every time I go to their website, my browser gets hosed. And especially (1) after yesterday's touch-and-go harddrive exorcism and (2) since it's about as old as the Rosetta Stone anyway, I think I'll just leave that one alone.
Anyway there you have it. I'd like to try the Diet Coke varieties in Europe because they use good ole, cancer-causing saccharrin in their formulas, I do believe. Mmmmm. Dangerous sodaaaaa. Well, we all gotta go sometime, so might as well die with taste.