Now Googie is shedding. Enough said. Butler, fetch me my lint brush.
So why do I still I love them all? Because I'm insane, I tell ya, insane. And they are gold.
Speaking of that, check out where we're hoping to relocate the Apartment Farm sometime in June:

For the past two days, I've been willingly and unwillingly staying home in the Apartment Farm. To round out the scenario, I downloaded the absolute coolest screensaver yet from It's a lush, meadow scene with an ancient Wishing Tree look-alike, complete with the ambient sounds of sheep, doves the silence of a flying pig in the distance. So now, when I see a small, white kitty heaped atop the couch cushion or a small, skinny one roaming aimlessly down in the tiled foyer, I think of happy, lazing or grazing livestock, enjoying the sun and fresh air. And best part of all, no one is swatting flies.
What I didn't know about the screensaver is that it's formatted in realtime, and as the night falls outside, so does the scene of the screensaver. Kind of like that game, Black & White, if you know it. Best thing is in Ron's opinion, the "freaky sheep noises" stop at nightfall and the sky is complete with constellations that grow brighter as the night goes darker. I don't know enough astronomically to know if they are my coordinates, but I'm guessing they are. The very coolest thing is every now and then, a falling star streaks by.
Ahhhhh. Home, home again.
Phone call: Scott just got a dog. He says she's a good dog. She likes to lie around on the bathroom floor. I haven't seen her yet, but she is apparently a little white beagle-ish dog that, well, likes to lie around on the bathroom floor. I bet she is the sweetest thing. He wants to name her MeatWad, but if she's lucky she'll end up with SuperDog instead.
Wonder if SuperDog needs any Action Cat Friends...
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