Thursday, April 03, 2008

Remember the Happy Hippy?

Well, I'm still fascinated by him, even had a dream about him last night where he brought me strings of yarns in all different colors and was showing me what they all meant. I took them as allergy markers of what he had. Yes, whatever that means. Now that the weather's getting warmer, everyone's getting out around the courtyard more, so I've seen Happy a few good times -- always happy, always doing the usual in an unusual way. I wanted to write observation here about him, even today, but I just haven't said anything.

But luckily, girls tend to search and work in packs, and one of my exceptionally gifted team pack leaders (who will remain anonymous) has found out a few more things about the Happy Hippy and emailed them along. Let's read on:

"I was out fact finding on the happy hippy today and thought I would keep you apprised. I found out three additional pieces of information to add to our files:

"1. He doesn't know who Etta James is, even though he claims to be 'old school.' So, he has bad taste in music apparently. Might be a rocker afterall as completely unversed as he is in blues and jazz. I bet he has an old Pantera cassette in his apartment or something equally horrific. Tesla? But don't laugh too hard because I think my husband owns every CD put out by Tesla and has even seen them in concert multiple times.

"2. He is apparently heterosexual, as he referenced an ex-girlfriend. She gave him a cat who is now 13 years old, so we know at least 13 years ago he dated -- apparently quite seriously if the giving of living creatures was involved.

"3. Since he has a cat that he apparently loves (he sets out bowls of water for bird baths so the cat can watch them through his freakishly clean windows -- have you looked in, er I mean AT, his windows lately? They're freakishly clean), he probably isn't a serial killer. Serial killers usually get their start by torturing animals.

"So there you go. Add it to the files."


Anonymous said...


me said...

yes, my gifted pack leader is referring to her husband. i guess i should go back and edit her email in quotations -- good eye there, Anon!