See, I told you I've been all busy an' stuff. So many meetings, so many little scribbly illustrations on my conference notes. But look what Shaun did. He took my little scribble-dee-dee and colored it, added backgrounds, made a little sign outta my scribble-dee'd word. You can't see the bird animation, but it flies in and a coupla tweet notes come outta him and...
Am I a nerd, a geek, or a goober talking like this?
Aw, who cares, I love how he brought my scribble-dee-do to life. Sniffle, sniff. I am so proud.
Ohyouknowhat, I went to the FedEx Institute of Technology this morning to hear David Kelley speak. If you ever get a chance to hear this guy talk about what he does, go go go.
Inspirational. He talked with his hands, started three sentences without finishing one of them and then had to sum them up with a "basically, it's like this..."
People like David Kelley make the world a better place through intuitive user design, form and function with thinking companies like ideo.com. Just looking at this webpage is like a sketchydoodledee without color. You need people to hear people like David Kelley color it and bring it to life. And also motivate people on a level of equal trust and respect to do it.
Oh and if you make fun of his Groucho Marx's moustache in front of me, then I'll develop three new and exciting ergonomic ways to slap you silly.
Stop, you know I love you for you and your brain. Enjoy!
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