Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This week's "Tuesday Morning's Scribute to 10am":


bushra said...

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! how can you say that?!

me said...

my aunt said the same thing! what i meant was that dogs can't eat chocolate because it apparently Deep Sixes them -- well, this little scribble is of a dog who ate chocolate and well, he joined the Choir Invisible because of it. Ha ha! I'll have to change it to "Thous shalt not lick antifreeze" instead or "chase cars"...

I've been dog-sitting too much these days. It's warped my mind.

Plus, I had chocolate-covered pretzels for lunch!

bushra said...

well, that's all right then. cos i just ate a hee-uge piece of chocolate cake, innit. not huge, but when you're watching what you eat, naughty food just seems that whole lot bigger. hmm.

guess what! i finally opened the phone charm shop! aren't we the entrepreneurs now?