You'd think it was Christmas Day.

I can't think straight until I see this.
life (lif) n., 1. A series of experiments distinguishing living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter like reality show contestants. 2. Your personal guide to Nothing in Particular. Enjoy.
I just got some new contacts, and they feel great. Soft. Much better than the hard plastic, gas permeable poker chips I've been wearing for the past 8 years. What a joke compared to these. Only drawback so far is that I can't actually see with these contacts, but that's the kind of perspective you'll get on comfort vs. functionality after wearing gas perms.
My computer has been broken for over four hours now. I had to bring it back from the grave with the help of the guy next door. (Thanks as always, Michael.) I had to open it up, shock its brains out by pressing a tiny reset button, bang on its chest with a TechTool Disk, zap the P-RAM (whatever that is) and then, in an act of finality and desperation, I physically pulled the plug on it and left it for lunch.
Happy Memorial Day. And welcome to summer, officially.
Wacky chocolate covered banana or Mr. Hankie?
Hello, my name is Bethany, and I'm a toothpaste addict.
Happy Birthday to Mike.
Willpower is overrated.
I still can't get past the Birthday Cake Shake from this morning's post.There are some things you just shouldn't kid about. The power of a shake. I remember hearing the Sonic commercial the other night and from across the room those three words sliced through the clanging dish-washing and pot-scrubbing. And for a sharpened, split second, I think I could see every leaf on the tree outside.
How many of these could I eat in one day?
I love my Swiffer Duster.
Rapidly approaching Old Lady status.
She went out through the bedroom window. Protected by her tiny claws.